This event of world importance, held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the British Royal Philatelic Society, was attended by 4 members of the PPCP – T. Madl, P. Lazar, V. Vanicek, D. Kopriva and also our other important member Mr. Dr. J. Stuna.
“Meeting with the management of Club de Monte Carlo, from the left V. Vanicek, T. Madl, Claes Arnrup – Vice President of CMC, P. Lazar, Patrick Maselis – President of CMC and RPSL, J. Stuna, F. Winter”
Almost 5 days of a busy schedule, when we held important meetings, took advantage of our personal contacts and established a club with top world celebrities, including Mr. Patrick Maselis, President of Club de Monte Carlo (CMC), Vice President Claes Arnrup, and management Koehler and Corinphila by D. Michelson and K. Louis. At a joint meeting with representatives of CMC we presented the club, activities and objectives of PPCP, which attracted great interest, especially PR forms, presence in the media and advertising space. We talked about prestigious philately, the world market, methods of inspiration for philately at the other public, about the Biennale at the National Museum, etc. Maselis and Arnrup accepted the invitation to the Biennale 2020 and in particular invited the PPCP to Monacophil 2019 to Monte Carlo. Several of our members will therefore prepare a joint presentation of our work, our goals and methods. This presentation will take place in Monaco at the end of November and is the first such event at the Club de Monte Carlo. It is therefore a very important precedent. In addition, even before the meeting with CMC, we managed to arrange a visit of Mr. Karel Louise to the Meeting in Prague 12.12. 2019. K. Louis is co-owner and CEO of Koehler & Corinphila Holding GmbH, and a prominent creator of the global philatelic market, with the largest PR philately know-how. At our meeting, he will present a lecture on his economic practice at the highest level of the world market and the inspiration of elite philately for overall philately.