Exhibition Biennale 2020 will take place from 12 December 2020 to 3 January 2021.
Exhibition Biennale 2020 will take place from 12 December 2020 to 3 January 2021.
The 2020 Biennale catalogue is a unique publication in terms of its contents and its design. It presents individual rarities from the collections of members of three eminent clubs – Prestige Philately Club Prague, Vindobona, and Club de Monte Carlo, and also two “guest” exhibits – Mauritius Post Office Red and the famous Lady McLeod, […]
The result of today’s meeting between representatives of PPCP and the National Museum is that the 2020 Biennale will take place, albeit on a later date. The opening of the exhibition is now expected to take place in December of the same year or in January 2021. PPCP’s own stamps were issued on the 23rd […]
Despite the restrictions in place due the Covid-19 epidemic, the 2020 Biennale will be taking place from the 7th to 22nd of November as planned. This decision is a result of a meeting with representatives of the National Museum held on the 29th of September. A confirmation of whether the opening ceremony, originally scheduled for […]
PPCP NA PODZIMNÍM VELETRHU SBĚRATEL 2020 Vážení návštěvníci webových stránek Prestige Philately Club Prague, milí členové PPCP, náš klub spolu s dalšími vystavovateli, sběrateli a návštěvníky „napsal“ na podzimním veletrhu Sběratel, jenž se konal na výstavišti v pražských Letňanech (PVA EXPO PRAHA) od 11. do 12. září, svůj velký příběh, který je do jisté míry […]
The work meeting took place in Šrobárova vila, the seat of PPCP. The leadership of the club met with Jan Rihak, the art director of the cooperating graphic studio Eternia, and Tomáš Hejda, owner of the PR Mollo media agency. An evalution of PPCP’s attendance at the 2020 Sběratel expo was made – the success […]
Dear visitors of the Prestige Philately Club Prague (hereinafter “PPCP”) web page, the 4th meeting of club members and invited guests took place on the 28th of May 2020 in the Crystal Ballroom of the Grand Hotel Alchymist, with a vast majority of members in attendance. After a short introductory speech of JUDr. Tomáš Mádl, […]
The publication on the ideas, goals and practice of PPCP and our view of philately in the 21st century, which was behind the successful presentation of PPCP in Monte Carlo in November of 2019, is being published as a new Czech-English edition. You can also see it “HERE” and in the section The original […]
Preparations of the PPCP Biennale at the National Museum On March 5th 2020, President of Prestige Philately Club Prague, JUDr. Tomáš Mádl, and General Director of the National Museum, PhDr. Michal Lukes Ph.D., signed a contract of cooperation between PPCP and NM in preparation of the PPCP Biennale exhibition entitled “Treasures of World Philately”. The […]